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  • Balanggarra Ventures


Balanggarra Ventures has been established by Balanggarra Aboriginal Corporation to act as its economic development arm. This subsidiary is being equipped with experienced commercial capacity while ensuring that the organisation stays true to the community and cultural mission of Balanggarra as a whole.

The company is currently managing the Home Valley tourism facility and is expanding its interests in other tourism and land management opportunities on Balanggarra country. It is prioritising the hiring of Balanggarra people and seeking to support them into culturally relevant professional roles.
As an example, Balanggarra has an ongoing carbon emissions reduction project, conducting strategic early dry season burning on country to reduce the intensity of late dry season fires. Often termed ‘right-way’ fire, these projects draw upon traditional knowledge of the timing and modalities of setting fires in the landscape to inform and direct modern and safe burning practices. These activities are undertaken by Balanggarra’s land and sea team led by Balangarra’s own highly trained Rangers.

In 2022, Balanggarra Ventures will be seeking out other commercial opportunities with a view to further increasing its support of the Balanggarra community, particularly for vulnerable members who need additional culturally appropriate and ongoing support.

Vision for Balanggarra

It is our vision that:
• we will manage our own country by our own rules and others engage properly with Balanggarra Traditional Owners;
• we want to keep our culture, language and law alive, protected and recognised;
• we want to look after the native animals and plants on land and in the sea of Balanggarra Country by our own traditional Balanggarra knowledge and western scientific research;
• we want to speak for our country, decide for our country and control access to our country;
• Balanggarra Traditional Owners will give permission for and decide on access to our country;
• we want to bring our young people back to country to give them a future on country and to teach and educate our future generations about Balanggarra Law and Culture; and
• we want to give our young people education, training, and employment for business opportunities on country to protect and control country.

Our nine most important things are:
• Balanggarra Law and Culture
• Our Gra
• Cultural sites (rock art sites, burial sites, heritage places)
• Right-way fire
• Native Animals
• Bush Tucker and Medicine Plants
• Freshwater (places and freshwater fish)
• Saltwater Fish
• Migratory Saltwater Animals (turtle, dugong, whales, dolphins)

 Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation

Balanggarra Ventures is working closely with the Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation in developing a long term vision for Home Valley.  The partners are also working with all relevant Traditional Owner groups and near neighbours to acheive a sustainable outcome that benefits all.